Weekly thoughts #1
Thank you for being interested in this creative space. It adds a new layer of meaning to this blog to know that my reflection or thoughts might positively impact your life.
Here is a summary of what interested me this week and my published posts. Enjoy!
Books I am reading this month.
The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness & Healing in a Toxic Culture
An interesting quote:
...a self-described perfectionist, a trait that nobody is born with. Rather, it arises as an adaptation to fit in with an environment where one perceives no welcome for being just who one is, with all one's "imperfections".
It gave me another perspective on a trait I often encounter in family, friends, and work. True acceptance and a base of psychological safety are even more important in this light.
Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization
An interesting quote:
Those who scored the highest in life satisfaction were those who perceived their strivings as important, valued, and not likely to produce conflict with other strivings.
It reminds both of a key element of building a company culture that is truly human-centered and of the importance for a healthy self to have multiple avenues of meaning that can run in parallel without internal conflicts among each other.
Most recent posts
A walk in the park - "It is you driving the company, not the opposite."
Contracts on a shoestring - bootstrapping in the early stages
Gut feeling
Thank you again for taking the time and join me on this journey. Let me know if there is anything that you found most exciting or any reflection you might have.
Have a fantastic day/night wherever you are,